Part 5 - Kafka Producer
This section describes the Kafka Producer and its internals. For implementation, please visit the github.
Three Major Required Properties
- bootstrap.servers
- required for a producer to start up
- used for discovering full membership of the cluster
- used for determining the partition leaders or owners
- key.serializer
- value.serializer
Here is the full list of producer configs.
Producer Record
- topic
- Topic to which the ProducerRecord will be sent
- value
- The message content (matching the serializer type for value)
- partition
- specific partition within the topic to send ProducerRecord
- timestamp
- Unix timestamp applied to the record Kafka Producer instances can only send ProducerRecord that matches the key and value serializer types it is configured with.
- key
- a value to be used as the basis of determining the partitioning strategy to be employed by the Kafka Producer
- Additional information in the message
- Can determine what partitions the message will be written to
Record Accumulator
- Implements Micro-batching pattern
- Small and fast batches of messages
- Sending (Producer)
- Writing (Broker)
- Reading (Consumer)
- Uses Queue for storing records
- Maintains RecordBatch for each topic partition
Message Buffering Properties
batch.size (default: 16384)
: buffer size per RecordBatch in bytesbuffer.memory (default: 33554432)
: buffer size of all record batch in (default: 60000 - 1min)
: time for blocking the send record (default: 0)
: time to wait before sending record
Broker Acknowledgement - “acks”
- 0: fire and forget
- 1: leader acknowledged
- 2: replication quorum acknowledged
Configuration for Broker that responds with an error
retries (default: 2147483647)
: how many times producer should try to send the (default: 100)
: how many milliseconds does the producer need to wait for retries
Message Order
- No guarantee of order if multiple partitions are used
- If there is an error while sending a record then there may be a chance of an unordered record
- Set (default: 5)
to 1 if an order needs to be maintained
- Set
Delivery Semantics
- at-most-once
- at-least-once
- only-once
Kafka Producer Internals
- Properties ~> ProducerConfig
- Message ~> ProducerRecord
- Processing Pipeline ~> Serializers and Partitioners
- Micro-batching ~> RecordAccumulator and RecordBuffer
Some useful configuration (default: 120000)
: an upper bound on the time to report success or failure after a call to sendmax.request.size (default: 1048576)
: maximum size of a request in bytes